Not much crafting going on in these parts. Somehow there are too many other things to do and I'm exhausted by the time evening comes and my eyes don't want to do anymore close up work. Hoping this is a temporary lull, but we'll see. Maybe it's also due to the new Verizon Fios Triple-Play installation that has me playing with the TV more!
I did manage to knit a new pair of fingerless gloves from the "Fetching" pattern that I love. I thought I had lost my favorite purple pair, but I found them again after I was half-way through knitting. No problem... I can always use another pair. These are made from Paton's Classic wool in burgundy. A little snug, but they 'fit like a glove' as the saying goes. I'm sure they will stretch some as well.
The wristwatch does actually have a face and hands. The camera just couldn't see them.