The design is another cute freebie from Claire. The fabric is lilac flair from Enchanted Fabrics. I went crazy with eyelets! Much easier to set on a card than on fabric actually.

Here's the little card I made to go with the baby sampler from the previous post. I met the new little prince on Sunday. He's just the absolute cutest! The design is from Prairie Schooler, a piece of Winter Wind.

Still experimenting with heart favor pockets. The designs on these are from Cross Country Stitching magazine. I like the designs, but I'm not at all happy with the finishing on the tops. That's what happens with experiments. Some work out and some don't!

Congrats on the adorable finishes!
Lots of lovely finishes to show - great Valentine Card.
lovely Valentine Cards !! Thank you for your mail. I add the picture of the snowman in my album !!
Thinking of you on that very special day ! Yes we can !
Friendly yours, Claire
What a lovely card
Those are all so cute!! But I especially love the snowman. Thanks for linking to the freebie!
Really beautiful cards, Annie! The favor pockets are darling! Maybe some lace trim on the tops?
You've got some really nice finishes there Annie! I really love that snowman freebie and it's so nice to see him stitched up :o)
Oh what cute stitching!!
Pretty stitching! I love your cards. Color and embellishment s are very well chosen. Great job!
Such lovely finishes, Annie. Great job!!
I think they look great!
Lovely finishes Annie! Love the pockets, I do like the purple top better than the blue one.
That snowman's really cute!
Lovely cards! I love cross stitch. Beautiful work.
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