About two years ago, I stitched a bookmark for the 12 year old son of some friends of mine. He is a voracious reader and an avid Harry Potter freak. I thought I had found a reasonable design for him when I discovered a pattern for a Wizard in the Mark That Spot collection by Cross My Heart. But I never expected how much he would grow to love that thing. After all, who would think a 12 year old boy would really want an embroidered bookmark anyway? He always has a book with him and always used the bookmark. All his friends were envious, wanting to know where they could get one, so I guess that added to the fun.
The family went on vacation this summer, and sadly, he lost his beloved bookmark. He wrote me a lovely e-mail asking if I would make him another one. His parents had offered to pay me for it.
Frankly, I detest stitching the same design more than once. And this one was so detailed, with confetti stitching, fractionals and backstitching, that I was almost sorry I had saved the chart.
But what stitcher could resist when someone actually loved her work that much? I did offer to stitch a different design this time, but he insisted that he wanted the same one.
So finally, it's ready. Ta-da! If he loses it again, I'll offer to teach him how to cross stitch and let him make his own!

Tuesday was my birthday so I guess it was my lucky day as well. I won the cutest chart on
Aury's blog. I know I said I was done with Halloween stitching, but I just might have to stitch this one too.