Wendy suggested that she and I do a personal exchange, I was honored and delighted. Wendy asked that I make her a decorated Altoid tin, and I asked Wendy to make me something tatted. I love tatting, but it's not something I've devoted enough time to so I really can't do it myself. Only time for so many crafts!
Wendy's package arrived here yesterday. My gift for Wendy is still in transit so I won't show any photos of it yet. But I wish I had some photos of my eyes bugging out of my head as I opened the little envelopes inside with all of Wendy's beautiful tatting. She used so many gorgeous threads and her work is so perfect!
First, we have this lovely book mark (or book thong as Wendy calls it):
Next, the cutest little Easter motifs. Is that bunny a sweetie or what?

Now check out this collection of beautiful motifs. I love the richness of color in that red/purple/blue heart!

Finally, we have these gorgeous frames. Can't you just see an x-stitched ornie finished inside one of these beauties? Plus my tatted name to use any way I please. It's shown inside the clear envelope and works as a book mark on its own!

Thank you so much, Wendy and I hope my gift for you arrives soon!