The design is from an old issue of Cross Stitch and Country Crafts magazine. Seemed perfect for an oval frame. I use Stitch Witchery to bond the border fabric to the stitching. To make the oval, I use two pieces of border fabric. On one I draw the oval on the wrong side, centered. I sew the two pieces wrong sides together, stitching on the oval. Then I cut out the oval, leaving 1/4" seam allowance and clip the curves at 1/4" intervals; Turn to the right side, press, and voila!.. a fabric mat with an oval opening.
I owe that technique to Nita who sent me a ream of step by step instructional photos of this some time ago.
I did the edge like the Peace Stocking ornament with beads attached by regular straight pins.
The fabric and edging really set the stitching off a treat
Very cute ornament!
That's just lovely Annie! What a neat technique. I might have to try that sometime :o)
How wonderful, Annie! I really like your finishing!
Wow that looks great. I really need to practice finishing LOL.
wow! That turned out a great ornament. Well done!
I was just looking at that chart! Very lovely finish!
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